Leaning or Bowing Walls

Are you curious about what a bowing wall is? Well, you've come to the right place. A bowing wall is a structural issue that arises when the pressure on your foundation wall causes it to curve or bow inward. It's not just an aesthetic concern – bowing walls pose a significant risk to the safety and integrity of your home. That's why it's crucial to seek professional repair services.


How do you know if you have a bowing wall or related foundation issues? Look out for these common signs:

  • Sticking doors or windows
  • Cracks in your floors or walls
  • Leaning or tilting chimneys
  • Visibly leaning or bowing walls
  • Water damage or puddles

If you notice any of these signs, don’t hesitate to reach out to us. We’re committed to ensuring your home remains a safe, secure, and healthy environment.

Our Solutions for Bowing Walls

At IWP Foundation Repair, we specialize in addressing bowing wall problems. Our team of experienced professionals is ready to provide you with effective solutions. We offer a range of options, including top-quality foundation wall supports, designed to rectify the issue and prevent any further damage.


Depending on the foundation repair needed, we have a number of solutions.

  • Helical Piers
  • Foundation Underpinning
  • Push Piers
  • Slab Repair Solutions
  • Wall Supports: Helical Tiebacks & Plate Anchors
  • Crawlspace Jacks
  • And More!

All of our products are sourced from ECP (Earth Contact Products) and are made to last. With push pier installation, we can support your foundation to stop it from shifting or sinking. Home leveling will stop your home from creeping downhill. Home lifting will also help keep your home from sinking further, and foundation stabilization is to ensure that your foundation stays put without continuing to crumble or settle. To learn more about these solutions, you can contact us today!