Foundation Settlement

Foundation settlement is a common issue that homes face, driven by the relentless passage of time and the unpredictable influence of weather. Over the years, the weight of your house gradually compresses the soil beneath it, causing it to sink slightly into the ground. This natural process occurs in every home and typically results in a minor, uniform settling that isn't cause for concern. Factors like soil quality, temperature fluctuations, and moisture levels all play a role in this gradual settling.  However, when your home begins to sink more than just a few inches or does so unevenly, it's time to address potential foundation issues. The soil surrounding your home expands and contracts with changing temperatures, which can lead to more significant foundation movement than usual. Additionally, heavy rain and flooding can exert pressure on your foundation, resulting in common problems like cracks and uneven floors.

What Is “Normal” Settlement & What Is Not?

In most cases, the homeowner won’t notice the effects of normal settling. However, there are subtle signs to watch for:

  • Wall cracks that are smaller than ⅛ of an inch wide.
  • Wall cracks that remain unchanged over time

If you spot these types of cracks in your home, they usually don’t warrant immediate concern. Keep an eye on them to ensure they don’t grow or undergo significant changes.

Identifying Differential Foundation Settling

Foundation settling linked to an issue is easier to spot, as it presents clear signs:

  • Large wall cracks wider than ⅛ of an inch.
  • Cracks that run at 45-degree angles or form a stair-step pattern.
  • Windows and doors that stick.
  • Uneven floors.
  • A wet basement.

The Duration of Foundation Settlement

Typically, a house completes its settling process in about two years. However, further settling beyond this period may indicate different underlying issues. Homes constructed on poorly compacted soil may experience uneven and differential settling, leading to more severe foundation problems. Additionally, fluctuating temperatures can influence how a home’s foundation continues to settle.

IWP Foundation Repair - Wichita, KS - Example of Foundation Settlement - #1 Foundation Repair Company in the Midwest

Trust IWP for Your Foundation Settlement Issues

If you’ve noticed any of the symptoms mentioned above, it’s crucial to seek professional assistance. IWP possesses the expertise and reliability to assess your foundation issue and recommend the best solution. The sooner your foundation is leveled and adequately supported, the less damage you can anticipate in the future. Contact us today for a complimentary inspection!