IWP Foundation Repair - Egress Windows 101 - Know the Basics

Egress Windows 101: Know the Basics


If you are planning a basement remodel or converting your basement into a living or sleeping space, you may have heard that youneed egress windows. But what are they? An egress window is a type of window you would use in case of an emergency, like ahouse fire. Its main purpose is to allow you to escape or to allow a firefighter to gain access.

Egress windows are required in new construction homes, but older homes may not have them. Depending on how old your houseis, it’s possible that your basement has windows with a smaller opening than required by the International Residential Code.Nowadays it is more popular to use basements as a living room, bedroom, office space, gym, etc., so it is important to make sureyour home has this often overlooked safety feature. IWP has all the info you need to learn more about egress windows.



To make sure that egress windows are safe, they must comply with the following measurement requirements:

  • Maximum of 44″ offthe finished floor
  • Minimum opening area of 5.7 square feet
  • Minimum opening height of 24″
  • Window opening at least 20″ wide

They must also be able to open from the inside, and there cannot be any structures obstructing the opening, like grilles or bars.



IWP offers three types of egress windows: concrete, fiberglass, and corrugated metal. They each have their own strengths and weaknesses, and we are willing to help you find the best option for you.

  • Concrete: Concrete window wells are a great option because they are strong and durable. You wouldn’t need to worry aboutrust, rotting, or UV degradation.
  • Fiberglass: Fiberglass wells are perfect for moisture resistance because they will not rust. These usually come in different colorsthat you can match to the look of your home.
  • Corrugated Metal: This is the most common option. Corrugated metal has a simple sleek look, and a galvanized coating canhelp prevent rust for increased durability.


Why do you need egress windows in your home? The simplest answer is safety. They can likely save your life in case of a fire emergency. However, there are plenty of other reasons to install an egress window in your home! They:

  • Provide a life-saving exit in case of a fire emergency.
  • Natural light will pour into your otherwise dark basement.
  • Potential future homebuyers are attracted to homes with egress windows.
  • If they are code in your area, it will bring your basement to code.
  • If you plan on finishing your basement in the future, you will be all ready to go.
  • Promote healthy ventilation in your basement.
  • Your home’s value is raised by adding egress windows.
  • Your basement will more likely remain comfortable and dry.


Now that you know the basics, do you think your basement windows need to be updated? IWP can take care of egress windowinstallation to make sure your home is safe. Contact us today to learn more and receive a free quote!

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